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CoDE Exam Unit



The Examinations Unit is one of the non-academic units in the College. It works closely with academic and other administrative units to deliver quality distance education. The Unit facilitates the conduct of quality examinations, processing and presentation of examinations records in the College. It efficiently processes and administers/distributes questions for all examination types in the College viz quizzes (1&2), re-sit (1&2), end-of-semester (1&2) and mature entrance examinations (MEE), in addition to other key activities.


  • Specifically, the core mandate and functions of the Examinations Unit include the following:
  • Receiving of questions and marking schemes from chief examiners
  • Formatting of questions received from chief examiners to conform with the College’s specifications or house style
  • Sending ready Code 01 questions for moderation by a team of moderators 
  • Generating additional three codes (Codes 02, 03, and 04) after effecting all corrections and suggestions by moderators
  • Printing and enveloping/packaging of examination questions according to study centres
  • Supervising the lifting of packaged question papers to study centres on Thursdays and Fridays
  • Receiving of written papers from study centres and getting them ready for marking.
  • Planning, coordinating and supervising residential and non-residential conference marking of written scripts
  • Arranging for and supervising conference checking of written End of Semester Exams scripts by checkers
  • Collating students’ quizzes and examinations scores  and forwarding same to SRMU for processing 
  • Archiving of written end of semester and re-sit examinations scripts for rectification and verification purposes
  • Collaborating with SRMU to solve students’ problems on ICs and Verification of results


  • Quizzes (1&2): Students are put into two groups (Groups 1 & 2) based on programmes and levels: 
  • Quizzes are organised in 1 Session for each (Groups 1 & 2)- Saturday and Sunday
  • End-of-Semester Exams and Res-sit Exams are organised in 4 Sessions( undergraduates & Post-graduates)
  • MEE (Mature Entrance Exams) are organised in only 1 Session - Saturday and Sunday


On daily basis, the Unit assists students with issues of re-marking, verification of results/scores and rectification.

Students who are dissatisfied with any of their examination results may request for re-marking by submitting an application to the Provost and paying the appropriate re-marking fee. An application for re-marking shall be submitted not later than 21 days after the release of the said result and shall state the grounds for such request. In order not to attract sanctions, complaints for re-marking must be valid and devoid of ill-motives. 

After the distribution of quiz papers, students have a maximum of two (2) weeks to submit or return their script(s) for review and rectification of errors. It is the responsibility of students to ensure that all ICs are rectified. A student is graded “IC” when s/he misses one or more components of the assessment – either the Continuous Assessment (Quiz 1, Quiz 2) or End-of-Semester Examinations. Students are expected to write the missing components as IC at the right semester. Students are not expected to write re-sit examination to rectify an IC (i.e. re-sit examination cannot be used in place of IC). 

Students have a maximum of one (1) month to verify result(s) after release of end of semester results. After which period, all verifications shall attract a fee as specified by the College.


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